The Executive Board members are elected by the GCRA for a 2 year.
Current term is 2021-2023.

The Chair shall:
1. Preside at the GCRA bi-annual election meeting and GCRA General membership meetings;
2. Act as the chief executive officer of the GCRA and shall exercise general supervision over the work and activities of the GCRA;
3.Perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of Chair;
4. Act as the official spokesperson for the GCRA at the GRA (or as the chair designates);
5. The Chair shall represent, or appoint a representative or representatives, to represent the GCRA at the GRA leadership.
6. Designate special committees as deemed necessary; and
7. Act as an ex-officio (voting) member of all committees and sub-committees of the GCRA.
The First Vice-Chair shall:
1. Perform the duties of, and have the same authority as, the Chair in the event of the inability of the Chair to perform her/his duties
2. Perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of Vice-Chair or as may be assigned to him/her by the Chair
3. Set the date, time, and place of the meeting to elect a new Chair within 30 days when a vacancy for Chair occurs.

The Second Vice-Chair shall:
1. Perform the duties of, and have the same authority as,the First Vice Chair in the event of the inability of the First Vice Chair to perform her/his duties
2. Perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of Vice-Chair or as may be assigned to him/her by the Chair
3. Set the date, time, and place of the meeting to elect a new Second Vice Chair within 30 days when a vacancy for First Vice Chair occurs.
4. The Second Vice-Chair shall assist the First Vice-Chair and perform specific duties in case of temporary absence or incapacity of the Chair.

The Secretary shall:
1. Assist the Chair and the GCRA Board of Directors in conducting the business of the GCRA as specified or implied in the By-Laws or as assigned to him/her by the Chair or the GCRA Board of Directors
2. Maintain current and accurate lists of contact information of all members.
3. Sign, witness, and attest all documents issued by the GCRA;
4. Act as the custodian of the formative documents of the GCRA and the records pertaining thereto, including the By-Laws of the GCRA; the minutes of the Board of Directors, and General Membership Meetings
5. Receive all correspondence on behalf of the GCRA and shall maintain a permanent file of all communications sent or received by the GCRA
6. Report on all correspondence received from the Georgia Republican Assembly or NFRA
7. Make available to any member, within 10 days of the request, a copy of the formative documents, the By-Laws, the Minutes of any meeting, or the names and contact information of the current members of the Board of Directors
7. Act as historian and archivist of the GCRA including printed attendance and Minutes to be passed along to each subsequent Secretary
8. Give notice of all meetings of the GCRA to all GCRA members at least seven days before general membership meetings and at least five days for special meetings, whenever possible, including the Agenda for the meeting and the Minutes of the prior meeting and all special meetings held since the last regular meeting, unless previously distributed
9. Take attendance and keep the Minutes of each meeting and see to it that the Minutes are presented and acted upon at each membership meeting. The Secretary shall perform all other duties assigned by the Chair, or otherwise herein provided.

The Treasurer shall:
1. Receive all membership monies paid to the GCRA, giving receipts therefor, and shall keep membership accounts in the manner prescribed by the Board of Directors
2. Shall certify the number of members of the GCRA as of the 31 st day of January each year
3. Receive all monies paid to the GCRA as stipulated in our By-Laws
4. Deposit all monies in such bank or banks as shall have been designated by the Board of Directors and shall disburse said monies upon order of the Board of Directors
5. Attend all meetings of the GCRA Board of Directors and all GCRA membership meetings
6. Make financial report to the members at each general membership meeting of the GCRA
7. Perform such other duties as are specified or implied in the By-Laws or as may be assigned by the Chair or the Board of Directors
8. Keep an inventory of the capital assets of the GCRA
9. Fulfill all other responsibilities as required under the By-Laws of the GCRA and all applicable laws and regulations of the State of Georgia.